lhamo dorje floating in spaceom maha siddha lhamo dorje hum phat



Lhamo Dorje has proven herself really determined to make people ask questions.

Her soft chuckle wafts in behind Heruka’s raucous laughter… Her gentle breath smooths the billows of time and confusion. And the tip of her little finger can catch the barest wisp of a veil, drawing it away from the eyes found willingly open.

She acts as confidante, tutor, cheerleader, and bartender. Her versatility astounds me and makes me laugh, and Her gentle calmness offers a wonderful respite from Heruka’s (at times) relentless ideal of “perfection”.

Om Maha Siddha Lhamo Dorje Hum Phat

 “Om Maha Siddha Lhamo Dorje Hum Phat” in Tibetan means “Oh Great Accomplished One, the Goddess of All Enlightenment, please just make it so.”

In less poetic terms:
